Party Committee

3 members · 1 open role


The Party Commitee is responsible for organizing all social events during our offsite in Denmark in September 2021. The Party committee is one of several team member initiated groups at The Org that leverages people's passion and gives everyone the ability to shape your work experience by playing to your strengths even outside your core job.

Meet the team

Fun facts


I love organizing and planning things - it's kind of like my hobby!


I recently traveled to Costa Rica and learned to Surf (not well)!

How do you like to receive feedback?


I like to receive feedback in either a casual way through Slack, Teams, etc. or through an organized 1x1/group setting where we can both provide feedback to each other instead of in an unsolicited environment.

How do you like to run meetings?


With an agenda. Everyone should come out of the meeting with a clear CTA and clarity on what they need to do.

What was the last book you read?


Principles by Ray Dalio

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